Vegetables in South Garo

South Garo Hills is a district bordering Bangladesh on southern side, West Garo Hills in the western side, East Garo Hills on north and west Khasi Hills in the east, is the district which was created in July, 1994. Its headquarter, Baghmara, is located on the border of Bangladesh. The district has sub tropical type of climate. It has an acidic type of soil with the soil being loamy to sandy loam.
The district has vast potential for cultivation of diverse type of tropical and subtropical horticultural crops. Under Technology Mission scheme, several plantation crops, fruit crops and vegetable crops with some floricultural crops are being grown in the district. Among the most successful one is the vegetable cultivation. In 2008-09/09-10, many vegetable growers were able to get high returns. Shri. Lipson Ch.Sangmafrom Nilwagre, under BaghmaraDevelopment Block, is one of the growers. He grew different types of crops like cabbage, cauliflower, beans, onions, radish, etc. Out of the total he spent in preparing and cultivating the crops, he made a total profit of Rs. 60,000/- during this year.
Another grower was Shri. Indrosen N. Marak from Dabram. He had been growing vegetables for years in a small area. However with the assistance from the department under Technology Mission, he started growing in larger area from 2008-09 onwards. The weight of his cabbages on average were around 4-5 kgs. and he was able to sell them at Rs. 15-25/- per kg. He was able to sell his cauliflowers at thesame rate. Besides these growers, several others were able to get more returns from vegetable cultivations this year. Hence it was a tremendous encouragement to all the vegetable growers of the district.