Vegetable cultivation in Ri-Bhoi

Through Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States (HMNEH) under area expansion on vegetable cultivation was taken up as a means to increase the area and production under vegetable and also to uplift the standard of living of the farmers. The District Horticulture Office had provided assistance in the form of input and training to the farmers. One such group which out shone the rest, was a group of 11 (eleven) farmers belonging to Sohkhar Seng Nongrep SHG-I. Initially, this group had concentrated on Paddy Cultivation and Broomstick business. In course of time, this group began to diversify to Spices like Ginger which is a promising cash crop in the District. Subsequently, after attending various training and awareness programme, Sohkhar Seng Nongrep SHG-I also started growing vegetables like Broccoli, Capsicum, Tomato, etc. which were introduced by the District Horticulture Office, Ri-Bhoi District. This Sohkhar Seng Nongrep SHG-I, were very fortunate to be selected for this scheme of vegetable cultivation. And with the assistance provided to them from the District Horticulture Office, they were able to increase the area and production under vegetable cultivation. They had succeeded in their venture due to their unity and integrity towards their group. Now this group has shown their eagerness to grow these vegetables for a secure and stable livelihood. Their hard work and dedication have set an example that this cultivation is sustainable and provide sustainable economic means to the cultivators and improve their living standard.