Banana Plantation in Garo Hills

The Garo Hills region has immense potential for growing wide array of Horticultural Crops. Its also offers farmable soil and climate conditions for cultivation of various Horticultural Crops. The plantation signifies the main alternative to shifting cultivation. It has been carried out in the slopes which intensely prevent soil erosion and as well as in the plain areas in a way to provide a good income and return to the farmers.
Stressed has been given to provide sufficient support for this sector by way of finance, expertise and infrastructural support including intensive training for better outcome. The fruits like banana form an important group of fruit crops contributing not only vitamins and minerals for better health when consumed but also used in flavouring the food, confectionaries and in making various chips. Horticulture Technology Mission is being implemented in a Mission Mode with an end to end approach. The Mini Mission II aims at increasing the production and aims at converting the basic weakness of Horticultural Development due to small fragmented holding with no improved varieties, technologies and lack of forward and backward linkages for improving farmers income. The beneficiaries of Resubelpara were selected through the office of the District Horticulture Officer,EastGaroHills,in a contagious area that have been surveyed, treated and developed the farmers with proper guidance and assistance for adopting the cultivation of banana. A small village Gajingpara located just 3 km. away from the Block Head Qtr. of Resubelpara. The beneficiary Smt. Juley Sangma is selected for the purpose. Prior to the plantation of banana she indulged the land by growing different crops like Sweet potato and certain vegetables which offer her a quick return. She then started planting in 1 ha. of land with the banana variety G-9.