Pine-apple cultivation in East Khasi Hills

Pineapple was grown mostly in the lowerbelt of Pynursla Block for years. Though pineapple was also grownin the area by farmers since ‘ timeimmemorial as intercrops with Betelnut, Tezpatta,Orange etc. inhappazard condition.
With the initiatives taken up under Technology Mission on Horticulture Scheme many farmers have taken up cultivation of Pineapple in a proper way with the guidance from the officers of the Department. Shri.A.L.Nongrum is one of the pioneers of Pineapple cultivation of Wahkdait village, under Pynursla Block who have taken up cultivation in hectares of an area.
The success and endeavour of Shri.A.L.Nongrum has drawn the attention of many farmers in the village and adjoining areas to go for large scale pineapple cultivation with guidance and technical support from the Department.