Pineapple in Ri-Bhoi

Shangbangla Village under Umling C&RD Block of Ri- Bhoi District is one of the villages who have more than 70 household being benefited through HMNEH under Pineapple cultivation.
Shri. Phrim Nongsiej is one of the success beneficiaries of the village. He started growing Pineapple on his own way back during 1972 in a very small area. With the intervention of the HMNEH Scheme, Shri. Phrim Nongsiej has been selected as one of the beneficiary under the scheme. Through his own perseverance and hard work, he could expand his area of cultivation. With his earning doubled through pineapple sale so also purchasing power increases. Now he was able to meet the expenditure and support his school-going children. Through his earning from the sale of pineapple, now he has moved to an RCC house replacing the old Bamboo hut. He also setup two shops along the National highway to sell his pineapples beside other groceries items. Now his area of cultivation has been expanded to 12 Ha. With the sale of pineapple last year (2012) touching 6 lakh Nos at the farm-gate rate of ` 3- `4 each,his estimated income is in the range of ` 18.00 lakh to ` 20.00 lakh per anum. His success has served as a source of inspiration for other fellow pineapple cultivators of the district. His successes can be attributed to his sincerity and willingness to implement the technical guidance he received. He is one of the farmers of the district who was willing to adopt inter-crop cultivation of pineapple with ginger. With the adoption of this new technique, his earning has been doubled during the last few years.